Saturday, 2 April 2011

Parental Concerns....

I always knew parents worry about their kids, I just never knew how all-consuming that worry can be. It seems that just as I've figured out in my head all the things I need to worry about, something else comes along. Take tonight for example: Lily's not slept well at all the last few nights which we've put down to teething and a cold. In fact yesterday I was so tired after another long night I could hardly move. Tonight was a different story. Teeth are through and cold is all but gone so she slept from bed-time until 1am (back to her old self!) and by the time I got to her she'd fallen back to sleep (now that is unusual!). I woke again at 3.30am and still not a peep. Interestingly, although new parents crave sleep and sleeping through the night is pursued like some sort of Holy Grail, I find it worrying as it's not something Lily's ever really done. So if she does sleep longer than expected I'll lay awake for a while then give in and go to check on her just to satisfy myself all is well. Tonight when I did it I was in for a shock - she'd rolled over and was happily sleeping on her front for the first time! All parents these days are taught the benefits of "back to sleep" with tummy sleeping for newborns being an absolute no-no. Of course this was another gentle reminder that my baby isn't a newborn anymore.... She's growing up fast and is quite capable of rolling herself from back to front and back again. In fact she's getting so good at in she can now travel quite a distance! So next concern is what she will find on those travels..... Gone are the days of putting her down and expecting her to be in the same place a few minutes later.

It's funny - I'm 32 and I know my mum still worries about me! I never realised until I became a mum just how much. It used to drive me mad, but now I'm starting to understand.....

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