Sunday 15 January 2012

Project Life 2012 Day 15 - Worship

1/15 National Religious Freedom Day
A perfect time to document your place or form of worship.

I'm not particularly a follower of any religion, but I guess I am one of those people who puts down C of E on their census form rather than put nothing. To me it seems a bit sad that it would be left completely blank!

So today's challenge was a bit tricky to me. There is a church I go to from time to time, but I'm not sure I would call it my "place of worship". To me that suggests a level of commitment that I'm not sure I'm ready for. Having said that, this church has been part of my life in many ways since I was very little so, although it's not featuring in today's entry, I am sure it will at some point in this project.

Instead I've chosen to use another one of yesterday's photos. I picked this one because it is to do with worship (being on the side of the church from yesterday's adventure) but also demonstrates my love of science and shows how the two can sometimes work together.

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